What did I make? MY Norwegian mittens (#5 in above photo).

Therefore I declare March to be my selfless knitting month. I'll knit for others before I knit something for myself.

Pattern: Susie's Reading Mitts
Yarn: Rowan Purewook DK in brown and Cascade 220 in forest green
Total yardage: 145 yds
Needles: US5 DPN
Mods: Although my granddad sleeps on a pink futon, I thought I'd make the pattern more masculine.
I CO 40, then knit the first 4 rows as follows: PKKK. No picot edges for him!
Then I knit the lace in contrast yarn.
Stockinette st for 29 rows gave me the right length, so that's where I began the gusset.
After dividing for thumb, K 4 rows then begin lace again. Do one more set of garter stitch, BO. No mods to thumb.
If I were to make this again, I would pick up 3 sts from the hand to avoid holes in the thumb gore. All in all, a fun and quick pattern to knit.
Did I mention I really like the quality of the wool? When I have extra money to spend on yarn, I think Rowan yarn will be worth the extra oomph.
Next up: Sister's cap (#6 in above photo). I wound malabrigo into a cake. mmmm.

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