My family came to visit! It was lots of fun and an intense weekend full of things to do. That's how we roll. Please enjoy the beautiful spring scenery of DC and random goofiness.
The welcome band.



This year we were so lucky to have warm weather and peak bloom on Easter Weekend! Yay!

We ran into our neighbors from NC at the Jefferson Memorial! What are the odds. It was really nice seeing them, and we need to go visit them once they move to Austin, TX!
We then had delicious Spanish tapas. Luckily we made reservations so we didn't have to wait at all!

Then drank some more.

Next morning I wake up to this. Mom, those are bobbins.

So I had to show them what was what.

Then off to DC again! ...hmm not sure if we were supposed to do that.

The National conservatory was full of beautiful flowers and exotic flora.

...and funny-looking humans.

Corn husk dolls.

This one took my breath away!

I love this color. Himalayan orchids, I think. I'm going to try dying my yarn like this color.

Then to the Smithsonian. Hello fairy armadillo. This species uses his butt to cover the hole he's hiding in. Some fairy.

Platypus cranium. I thought the nasal bone structure is so interesting!

This little mouse screams real loud.

Which one is the hippo again?

Giraffes like potato chips.

Deer with fangs. Why?


We must have a mask shot whenever possible.

It was a bit early, but I gave her the birthday goods. She looks a lot better in the hat than me.

She also wanted some knitted dishcloth (good girl). I also got her the best storybook ever,

It was lots of fun! Come visit again soon!
I think I'll wear my new hat since it's cold again here :) Sankyu~♪
You're welcome desu. こっちも寒いぞ.毛糸の靴下はいてる.瞳美もはけば。
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