Thursday, April 1, 2010

Green Onions, Celery, and Soy! Oh Boy!

I was encouraged by the carrots. Maybe my thumb is changing colors from black to green? Maybe more like olive green.

Here's what happens to green onions if you put the root in water:

Day 1: (3/12) little roots come out

Day 2: (3/13) Small sprout emerges

Day 3: (3/14): sprout grows taller

Started another one supported by twist ties: (3/22)

Planted the first 3 in the pot (3/29)
Still going strong in just water (3/29)

Here's what happens to the middle part of celery:

Rescued from trash (3/6)
Happy leaves! (3/11)
Hey look, roots! (3/11)
Happily planted (3/28) I think they make really nice potted plants.

Organic soy beans also germinated:
Look! roots! (3/19) Planted 2 beans.
Maybe we'll have a cup of edamame.
Starting to emerge from soil (3/23)

Hello, cotyledons! (3/28)

Can you see the little leaves? (3/29)
This one still has the bean skin on the tip. (3/29)
Growing (3/31)
Pac-man coming out of pac-man! (4/1)

I also bought potted mint, basil, zucchini seeds and yellow squash seeds. My garden is unstoppable.

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