Wollmeise is here! Yaaay! I had to go pick it up at the post office since the package required a signature receipt. Very carefully, I took my surgical scissors and cut open the bag. Well, I was too careful.

After I cut through the outer package, a very cute paper bag appeared. It has graphic representation of stockinette stitch, and on one side there is a list of knitting terms in German and English. I really like the titmouse's footprints.
...And here it is! So beautiful! I'm very impressed. The color is very beautiful and I'm happy with it even though I was not quite sure what I was getting. It's mostly warm red with very subtle purple and orange. The skein is put up so neatly.
What a gorgeous skein of yarn. Also it's very generous. The tag says 150g, but when I measured it it was actually ~165g. Asher asked me if the yarn was for his socks. I laughed. Well, if he wants a pair of wollmeise socks, he should stay up late on Friday and pick out his own! I'm not sure what it should be...knee high socks maybe? Or a scarf/shawl?
On the other hand, I wonder if Rohrspatz is an iron-working wonder as well? They must be superstars.
Wow! It really looks gorgeous! I tried waiting for te update that you tipped me off about, but I got distracted helping out my mom and when I came back... The shop was empty!!
IMHO, I think that would make a gorgeous shawl, but who can argue against socks?
It's definitely a hard decision trying to decide what to make! I was oogling at the shawl pattern you mentioned. I think you'll enjoy this yarn. Good luck getting a skein or two (or three)!
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